Friday, September 08, 2006

The Battle for the U.S. House

And so it begins. The regular campaign season is now in high gear, with hundreds of candidates across the country vying to get elected into the prestigious United States House. Who will win? Will it be the Democrats, who are hungry to become the majority party once again since losing the House in 1994. Or will it be the Republicans, who are trying to hold on to their status as the majority party. The Democrats magic number to retake the House is 15 seats. Many analysts believe it is possible for Democrats to accomplish this feat considering the current political climate, but we will have to wait and see. In the weeks to come this blog will describe the key players, candidates, campaigns, and districts in great detail, as we all count down to that fateful day, November 7.

Note: The current breakdown in the House is 231 Republicans, 201 Democrats, 1 Independent, and 2 vacancies.


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