Friday, February 15, 2008

Obama vs. Clinton and McCain Triumphant

Sorry for the lack of posts lately, but I've been caught up in a whirlwind of school work and important work on the Prez game. As a result, the posts may not come like they used to, but I'll try my best to keep up.

As most of you probably noticed, Tsunami Tuesday was basically a tie between Clinton and Obama, with Clinton winning the large states and Obama the small to mid-sized states. Since then, Obama has been on a role, winning 8 contests in a row since last Saturday. This race will go on but in my opinion I think March 4 will be the key date to watch. It will basically be a mini-Super Tuesday consisting of primaries in Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont. If Clinton sweeps Texas and Ohio, then she will regain the momentum and bring this race down to the convention. But if Obama wins Texas and Ohio, I think he will have the nomination in the bag.

Of course the Republican race is for all intents and purposes over. Huckabee and Paul may still be running, but McCain delivered a knockout blow against his main rival, Romney, by winning the major contests on Tsunami Tuesday. The Texas Primary should be interesting to watch though, because if Huckabee pulls out an upset like he did in Kansas and Louisiana, it will show that McCain still has work to do when it comes to consolidating the Republican base (which in his case will be very difficult).


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